What People Are Saying

It has such a spiritual message. I felt it's the kind of painting that would draw people to thinking about the heavenlies and thinking about eternity...the part of life above the earthly senses. Even some of us as Christians get caught up in the everyday life. The painting(print) brought me to the place of remembrance that He is coming and gives us the reason of existing. I felt that the painting had the respect of the bride for her husband, the honor and also the fear of the Lord

Linda Molyneux Client

"Juda Myers has such a fascinating talent that when you look at her paintings you have to stop to admire them. Her passion and respect for God’s creation are shown profoundly in every one of her paintings. When I saw The Twelve Tribes of Israel painting I knew it was for now to eternity. The grapevine painting reminded me of John 15:5 “Yeshua said, I’m the vine and you are the branches.” The third painting reveals the sun rays nourishing a prairie of red flowers and the soft clouds in the blue sky protecting what God had created. I want to have them in my home because they are beautiful and because they depict the beauty of Juda’s heart."

Edia Velez Client

My wife and I wanted Juda Myers to do a commission work of art for us after we saw her marvelous and beautiful gallery of wonderful paintings, murals, personal room and home pieces, and more. Her talent is outstanding. We were delightfully surprised at the special touches added to the beautifully rendered red-headed woodpecker painting--the textured bark of the tree and the actual piece of red string added masterfully in the beak of the bird. This beautiful painting of a red-headed woodpecker enhances the personal atmosphere of our home by being a constant visual reminder of our beautiful red-haired daughter and a unique attachment of just a piece of red string that symbolizes global legends of true love, good fortune, faithfulness, and my efforts as an author. Visitors to our home are intrigued by the woodpecker with the red string in its beak.

Dr. Thomas Smith Client
Dr Thomas Smith and His wife Sue displaying their commissioned "Red Headed Woodpecker" artwork by Juda Myers.

Miss Juda Myers made this for me. She had never met me. Yet, Abba led her to me. I didn’t know then how much she would help me. I didn’t know her story, nor did she know mine. I needed her and didn’t even know it yet. That’s pure Love just like every one of the scriptures on the painting she made for me. Now, I know that love reminds me to fight for the things I love and to show that love to others. Without expecting anything in return! I love you..More Juda

Kristen Campbell Client