Hey so glad you're here!
Hi I’m Juda. Thanks for stopping by.
I’ve always been so grateful that people are touched by my art. Encouragement is a love of mine and combined with painting I’m definitely in my happy place.
Connecting with our Creator is the prime source of my joy and inspiration. I was conceived when 8 men attacked my mother. The world couldn’t understand why she wanted to give birth to me. But she understood I was HER baby.
She placed me for adoption because her parents didn’t want her to have me and she was living with them at the time. Her prayers to see me again went unanswered for many years. Then in the 48th year her prayers were answered.
When we met it was surreal. The love she had for me, well I can say I had never seen that in anyone’s eyes and I’ve been loved by parents, my husband, children and friends.
My life has been full of all kinds of experiences, both hard and fabulous. I’m so grateful to be alive and to know my Creator. His voice was audible that day I asked Him if He had truly created me. “I placed you in the camp of the enemy to glorify My name!” Wow!
That will sure give a person a new perspective.
My deep love and appreciation for life and my Creator pushes me to paint and to use my art to encourage others.
I love nature and live on a farm with my husband, Richard. This is my “paint horse” Spot in the picture. Along with Spot we have Watusi cattle, chickens, a dog and 4 cats.
My art is intended not only for people who appreciate art but anyone looking for a spiritual reminder, encouragement, and inspiration of hope, peace, and joy that reaches deep within the soul to connect with our Creator. Hoping you’ll be blessed by what you see!